KBR Teams Demonstrate Philanthropy

May 31, 2024

KBR Teams Demonstrate Philanthropy

KBR’s employees have been engaged in philanthropic activities, volunteering time and resources to a variety of causes.

KBR’s team in Singapore organized a food donation drive to support Food from the Heart, a local charity which is focused on alleviating hunger and reducing food waste. KBR’s Houston area employees organized a beach cleanup in honor of Earth Day. In India, KBR continued to assist HelpAge India, an organization dedicated to improving the lives of the elderly by providing vital healthcare services. KBR funded cataract surgeries for 100 disadvantaged individuals and helped operate three mobile healthcare units. In Virginia, KBR team members packaged food for the Power Pack Program, which provides weekend meal packs to Fairfax County Public School students experiencing food insecurity. Their bike team recently completed the 2024 Texas MS150 ride, an annual charity ride from Houston to College Station in support of finding a cure for multiple sclerosis. In Chennai, KBR’s Aspire ERG chapter sponsored the education of 10 students and engaged with ninth grade students to inspire them to embrace STEM careers.
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